Missive From Morocco #5 – critical crew
Making television is a high pressure gig. If you’re in a crucial position, one mistake will have you packing your bags– fired and replaced– before the footage gets downloaded from the camera. The […]
Making television is a high pressure gig. If you’re in a crucial position, one mistake will have you packing your bags– fired and replaced– before the footage gets downloaded from the camera. The […]
Movie magic… it’s what keeps us seated in front of luminous screens, large and small, for countless hours on end. When you’re behind the scenes of a large scale production like SpikeTV’s Tut, […]
One of the most evocative symbols in hieroglyphics is the Eye of Horace, god of the pharaohs, often depicted as a human with a falcon head, which is a nice head […]
5:30 am and I’m ferreting in the dark for a snooze button. My alarm is weaker than usual. Maybe I forgot to kick the volume up before I hit the sack. What’s […]
Week one of working on Tut, Spike TV’s maiden drama series, directed by David Von Ancken and starring Sir Ben Kingsley. I’m playing a general in King Tut’s army and I’ve been knee […]
The New York Times editorial board recently and wholeheartedly endorsed the legalization of marijuana. Stop the presses. Break out the herb grinder. Prepare to add a little more vapor to […]
The World Cup intensifies, bringing the planet earth together to witness what our host nation so elegantly calls fu-chee-bol. It’s been a rewarding tournament, but in a perfect world, a few […]
For those out there yet to hop on the Burnout Bandwagon, just a quick “alert” to let you know there’s almost no room left. Everyone’s knee deep in it, whether it’s socially […]
Los Angeles is a notoriously fickle town. Perhaps it comes with territory to over hype the shit out of something and then bail on it the moment it under performs. […]
Prepare yourself for a zeitgeist shift. Or don’t prepare. The transition will update automatically. Your “things” are already smarter than you… All kinds of objects, from highway entrances to clothing […]
Since the Industrial Age kicked off three hundred years ago, our glorious species has been gleefully pillaging and polluting the planet with the impunity most often reserved for maladapted viruses– […]
As a decade long New York transplant, there’s nothing more galvanizing than witnessing downtown Los Angeles come to life– explode, might be a better adjective– with nationally recognized restaurants, brand […]
Flip on any screen that plays a moving image and you’ll see a fast spreading cultural meme in films, TV series and TED talks alike: human beings are integrating technology […]