Missive From Morocco #5 - critical crew

Making television is a high pressure gig.  If you’re in a crucial position, one mistake will have you packing your bags– fired and replaced– before the footage gets downloaded from the camera. The […]

Missive From Morocco #4 - movie magic

Movie magic… it’s what keeps us seated in front of luminous screens, large and small, for countless hours on end.  When you’re behind the scenes of a large scale production like SpikeTV’s Tut, […]

The Dope on Dope

The New York Times editorial board recently and wholeheartedly endorsed the legalization of marijuana.  Stop the presses.  Break out the herb grinder.  Prepare to add a little more vapor to […]

Small Swigs From The World Cup

The World Cup intensifies, bringing the planet earth together to witness what our host nation so elegantly calls fu-chee-bol. It’s been a rewarding tournament, but in a perfect world, a few […]

Streaming Burnout

For those out there yet to hop on the Burnout Bandwagon, just a quick “alert” to let you know there’s almost no room left. Everyone’s knee deep in it, whether it’s socially […]

Look Out Multiverse, Here We Come

Since the Industrial Age kicked off three hundred years ago, our glorious species has been gleefully pillaging and polluting the planet with the impunity most often reserved for maladapted viruses– […]

I'm Walkin' Here!

As a decade long New York transplant, there’s nothing more galvanizing than witnessing downtown Los Angeles come to life– explode, might be a better adjective– with nationally recognized restaurants, brand […]

Google Brain, On Sale Now

Flip on any screen that plays a moving image and you’ll see a fast spreading cultural meme in films, TV series and TED talks alike: human beings are integrating technology […]
