“Blank” Friday Sale!
We buy the Big Lie for the short term endorphin release. But ask any Capitalist, and they will tell you, it’s always better selling dreams than buying them.
Critiquing the Critics
“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain – and most fools do.”
Note For Note - Honoring America’s Cultural Foundation
The Jazz Foundation of America was created in 1989 to preserve the history, and future, of Jazz, Blues and Gospel.
Soon To Be Mooned
The moon contains a deep well of resources and building would be a breeze at 1/3rd the gravity.
Hurry Up Right Now Too Late You Missed it!
How do we escape the insatiable velocity of the NOW? Only by voluntarily tuning it out can we make authenticity a virtue again.
You’re An Idiot And It’s Not Your Fault
A slew of recent scientific studies have finally begun to shed light on the likely reason so many people are so astonishingly stupid.
Time Flies When You’re Having None
Scientists thought the expansion of the universe was slowing down. How shocked they were to find out it was in fact accelerating.
Excito-toxicity: The Fatal Flaw of Mental Viagra
Glial cells made a splash in the scientific community when it was discovered that they did far more than simply support the more active neuronal cells.
Missive From Morocco
The show is shooting in the picturesque town of Ourzazate. It may sound like exotic North Africa, but you probably know it better than you think.
Waiter, There’s a Soup In My Fly!
What the 2nd law of thermodynamics says is that left to its own devices, shit will fall apart.
April 15th and The Emotional Audit
In this brave new world, the highest values are generosity, cooperation, and unconditional conscientiousness for all…
Dining With Frankenstein
We citizens of the U.S.A are literally heading toward a time when there won’t be a single comestible we put into our mouths that some corporate sponsored scientist hasn’t totally fucked with genetically.
Talking Timbuktu
In banning music, Jihadists not only stop the joy a listener receives, they also stop the collaboration that happens between artists, and for a place like Timbuktu or Bamako, that can be devastating.
Tellin’ It Like It Should Be
Discerning what’s real and what’s not in our increasingly byte-sized unreality is becoming a savagely challenging task
The Interweb of Things and Technopocalypse
Prepare yourself for a zeitgeist shift. Or don’t. The technopocalypse will update you automatically. Your “things” are already smarter than you…