Following the death of his wife, an unexpected series of events sends Roy Bennet from his Florida retirement community to New York, face to face with his estranged daughter, a son he never knew he had, and an eighteen-year-old grandson who might hold the key to Roy’s rebirth.


After a successful academic career in New York City, sixty-five-year-old widower Roy Bennet has all but resigned himself to retirement in Florida, when he learns of Stanley, the son he never knew he had.

Decades earlier, twenty-something Roy had a passionate, albeit brief love affair with a woman he would never see again. Now, Roy finds himself back in Manhattan in search of his long lost son.

Roy finds him playing sublime piano in a Greenwich Village jazz bar, but it’s hardly a happy reunion. Stanley is unmoved by the reconciliation and all but rejects his “father.” It isn’t until Roy meets Kyle, Stanley’s precocious and talented teenage son, that sparks begin to fly. When Stanley hits the road with his quartet, Roy and Kyle bond in a way that fills an abyss in both of their lives.

After experiencing Kyle’s breathtaking drumming during a raucous club performance, Roy’s own passions are unexpectedly reignited. New York City, all but fossilized in his past, is suddenly endowed with a present day imperative: help Kyle actualize his abundant potential. In accepting the call to adventure, Roy rediscovers the magic touch he once had with his students.

Kyle’s curiosity drives him to explore deeper truths with Roy, and to open up to him in a way he never could with his own father. But when Roy’s advice fails to help Kyle instantly achieve his goals, he challenges his newfound mentor.

The confrontation forces open a door Roy had avoided walking through with his estranged daughter, Sandra. In making a similar mistake with Kyle, Roy gains a much needed perspective on how to address his past transgressions.

How would Roy’s life have been different had he known about Stanley and Kyle earlier? Is it better or worse to attempt to reconcile a long buried past with a radically unforeseen future? Or can Roy, Kyle, Stanley, and Sandra integrate themselves into an authentic and life-affirming final act?